Reflection – Week Three

Hello My Children,

So,This week was my third time reading into the novel Shift, my group and I read up to chapter 20, stoping at 19.

This weeks read will be our final week, so the  end of our book shall be reviled.

I’m honestly sick of Olive’s stuff. One minuet she’s all “Oh no i cant be near Miranda! she killed Katie!” and now she’s all “wow Miranda is so chill, i’m going to practically kill myself by hanging around with her”. Like for gods sake Olive. I know that she’s trying to take her doctors words into consideration, about Miranda being normal, but she needs to open her eyes. Miranda is reeling her in. Becoming best friends with her just so she can rip her down and snap her neck. Miranda is trying to kill her. But thats only my first prediction about Miranda.                                                                                                                                                     My other one is that Olive is actually still in the clinic, and this is her just visions/dreams she’s having from going crazy.

It’s getting on my nerves so much that Olive can’t make up her mind about Lachlan. She needs to accept that she decided to push him away, so he left. End of story. It was her own self that did that to poor Lachlan. He doesn’t deserve to be thrown around like that. She wanted him gone, and now he’s gone. She needs to accept her decision. Lachlan deserves better. But I do kinda ship them. Shhhh

I’m quite enjoying my book, but i wouldn’t say i love it. Its still a bit of a pain to read. But I am interested to see what happens in the end. Im really hoping for a huge plot twist, that will leave you going “what the hell just happened” .

Until Next Time My Children,

All The Love


Reflection – Week Two

Hello My Children,

This week we continued to read ‘Shift’, by Em Bailey. This week my group and I read up to chapter 15, stopping at the end of chapter 14. Now we are half way through reading our book.

This week of reading we found out a lot about the book and the characters.  Miranda unleashed her cruelty on Katie this time, on the night of the formal. Olive waited in the shadow as she watched Miranda rip down Katie. It was quite sad to read, especially since Katie didn’t deserve it. Yeah sometime she was nasty but she didn’t  what Miranda said and did.

When Katie died I  was devastated . I feel like I knew deep down that this was gong to happen, but it was like the last episode of The Walking Dead all over again. You know that feeling when you just need to put down the book and hyperventilate for a while? Yes. I had that. I’m just so done with Miranda, she just needs to hurry up and die. I’m so sick of her.

I understand why Lachlan is done with trying to talk to Olive. I mean, poor guy. Hes practically been friendzoned by Olive like 8  times. Olive either need to accept her decision to keep Lachlan away, or she needs to just go get him. Enough with the indecisiveness.

I’m kinda hoping that Miranda will take over Olive’s life and the book will just end with her dying. That would be cool. I guess.

Okay well,

Until next time my children,                                                                                                                 Xx



Reflection – Week One

Hello My Children,

The book I am reading for my schools Lit Circles is ‘Shift’, by Em Bailey. This week my group and I read up to chapter 7, stopping at the end of chapter 6.

Shift is a thrilling story about a young teenager, Olive, who decides to kill off the old her after the “Incident” as Olive calls it. Her high social position  at school drops as she becomes someone new who does not care about her social status. Olive’s only friend is girl called Ami, who is never directly acknowledged by anyone other than Olive in the book. Once a new girl, Miranda, comes to the school, Olive starts noticing strange things happening. Miranda begins to look more and more like the most popular girl in school, Katie (Olives ex-Friend) to the point where it is almost like she is becoming her. Olive and Amy begin to become suspicious about who or even what Miranda is, and what her intentions are.

So far i’m finding this book very interesting. I love, but also kind of hate, the way the book keeps you in suspense, it tells you that something has happened, and something is going to happen, but you are only given tiny pieces of the puzzle. I love plot twist and I love strange and almost supernatural stories, so I was rather thrilled receiving this as my novel to read. Like many others l love a conspiracy theory.  Though I am enjoying this book, I find myself counting down the pages and chapters until it is over, and I can go enjoy the precious weekend.

I’m not really sure who my favourite character is, I haven’t related or become attached to any of the characters just yet, though I am quite fond of Lachlan and Katie. Lachlan seems cute and nice, it would be pretty funny if it turned out it was a dare to get close to Olive, but I highly doubt that is going to happen. Katie seems quite cool, though she exhibits some unfriendly and irritating traits.  The protagonist, Olive, doesn’t really interest me all that much. I find her background story very intriguing though, i’m desperate to find out what happened with her that caused her father to leave and her to be in her clinic.  Ami though, is very interesting, after discussing her with my class, I have come to believe that Ami is just a figure of Olive’s imagination.  She is never directly acknowledged or talked to by anyone other than  Olive.

I don’t have many theories and predictions for this book, but I do have few.  I believe that Miranda will soon completely take over Katie’s life, including her boyfriend, Cameron.  I think that this will take place the night of the formal. I don’t really know, but I believe that Miranda my try to take over Olive’s life after she has completely sucked the life out of Katie.  Also, my most unlikely to be true, but possible theory is that Olive is actually in a psychiatric hospital, and all of her school are also patients.

Okie dokie then, time to wrap this up. I’m quite excited to see what will happen next in this novel, and to have some light shed on what is actually happening .

Until next time my children…                                                                                                            

 All The Love. X      
